Projected Water Demands

In its 2015 Plan of Operation, CAGRD projected that its total annual replenishment obligation for current members, and members expected to enroll by 2024, would rise to 86,900 acre-feet by 2034. This reflects a significant reduction in projected demand from both the 2004 Plan, which projected an obligation of 227,000 acre-feet annually by 2035, and the 2011 Mid-Plan Review that reduced that projected annual obligation to 136,500 acre-feet. Additionally, the 2015 Plan projects that the replenishment obligation in 100 years will total approximately 113,000 acre-feet per year.

A reduction in groundwater use by CAGRD members generally results in a reduction in CAGRD replenishment obligations and a corresponding reduction in the volume of water supplies CAGRD needs to acquire. To emphasize the importance of efficient water use by CAGRD members, the Board adopted a CAGRD Conservation Program in 2006.

Projected Obligations
Projected obligations bar chart
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