Questions about the CAGRD assessment on your tax bill?

Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District

A division of Central Arizona Project

The CAGRD supports responsible water management in central and southern Arizona by replenishing groundwater on behalf of its members.

Membership & Enrollment

Enrolling in the CAGRD is voluntary. Find answers to your CAGRD questions, learn if you’re located in a Member Land or Member Service Area, and view our forms and applications regarding enrollment and activation.

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Membership Locator

Quickly search to find if a location is within the CAGRD.

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Member Land FAQ

Answers to common questions on Member Lands and Member Service Areas.

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Applications & Forms

Forms and applications for developers, homebuilders and water providers on enrollment, de-enrollment and activation.

Rates & Fees

What are CAGRD’s rates, fees and rate-related policies?

Norterra Parkway Bridge over CAP Canal


CAGRD is required by law to submit a plan of operation to the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources every 10 years. Discover more about CAGRD’s activities.

CAGRD 2015 Plan of Operation document cover

Plan of Operation and Mid-Plan Reviews

CAGRD is required by law to submit a plan of operation to the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources every 10 years. See the latest CAGRD Plan of Operation covering the period from 2015 through 2024.

Aerial view of the Agua Fria recharge

Assistance With Annual Reports

Each municipal provider that delivers water to CAGRD Member Lands or a CAGRD Member Service Area must file an Annual Report by March 31 of each year. Click the below link for a tutorial on submitting annual reports to CAGRD and other useful information.

2020 Annual Report document cover

CAGRD Reports and Information

According to state law, CAGRD must submit a Conservation District Annual Report to the Arizona Department of Water Resources each year.

Water Supply

The primary goal of CAGRD’s Water Supply Program is acquiring a diverse portfolio of water supplies through voluntary, market-based transactions.


CAGRD is a special function of Central Arizona Project, replenishing water to foster and enhance responsible groundwater management.

About Us

The CAGRD provides a mechanism for landowners and water providers to demonstrate a component of an assured water supply under the Assured Water Supply Rules, which became effective in 1995.

Hieroglyphic Mountain Recharge
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